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Multi-Racial Team in TE JHB

posted on 2016-09-143354 views,0comments,2Shares


§ Author : Damon Telexpress Johor Bahru Center HTC SEA Team §

Image result for multiracial malaysiaMalaysia is a multi racial country consisting of Malays, Chinese, Indians and numerous indigenous people. So same goes to our Telexpress office in JB, Malaysia. In our office, we are not just having Chinese, Indians and Malays but also Thai and Indonesian.













We have Chinese, Indians, Malays, Thai and Indonesian in the picture. Can you differentiate it?



We learn about the habits, customs and beliefs of people who do not belong to our race, but when we live in a community composed of many races, but when opportunity to meet and talk with people or various races. We can learn about their customs and beliefs directly from them. In this way, we have a better understanding of their ways of life.


Living in a multi-racial community teaches us how to respect the views and beliefs of people of other races. We learn to be tolerant and to understand and appreciate the peculiarities of those who are not of our race.

Wefie time!!





In this way, we learn to live in peace and harmony with everyone in Telexpress JB, Malaysia.

The relationship that develops among the people from common understanding in a multi-racial community makes life in such a community very exciting. Any celebration of any race becomes a celebration of all the other races.




Wefie time. Take 2, action!!!


Thus, there is a lot of fun and excitement during every celebration. In this way, better understanding is promoted among the people of the world. Through each of the races of the people in a multi-racial community, we come to know about their respective culture and habit.



No matter what races we are, we celebrate the Christmas together~~



It is difficult to put into words and understand the unique quality of multi-racial culture in Malaysia. You really have to get a taste of it, literally!




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