Social Commerce Support 掌握每個互動的機會 快速看見營收

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  • Cross Screen

    TEMCS works on PC and mobile devices simultaneously, eliminating the boundary between brands and customers. Instant push notices and real-time interaction, catch every deal opportunity

  • Social Interaction

    Stop wasting resource on managing the official website, Apps, Facebook or Line, Telexpress professional TEMCS tools offers real-time omnichannel service

  • Intelligent Business

    TEMCS intelligent service gives you 24-hours non-stop push selling service, dramatically reduce marketing cost

  • SCRM Strategy

    SCRM Operation manages account data through TELLIGENT, quickly control and analyze the complete membership profiles, including points, exchange and purchase history. Group members into a different level and customize interaction and push notices effectively

  • SCRM Marketing

    SCRM TELLIGENT has several fans and member management modules, TEMCS acts Brand ambassador communicating with the customers one on one, helps business evoke fan groups and discover potential members

  • SCRM O2O

    SCRM can generate traffic via activities management module, and brands representatives turn real-time interactions to transactions. Let you understand the optimized operation model of marketing resource easily